Sunday 17 September 2017

5 myths about root canals in Tijuana – New Age Dental Clinic


The routine root canal is feared more than any other type of dental procedure. The words alone are enough to send shivers up the spine of a grown adult. Every year, thousands of people who desperately need one to fix a serious cavity or alleviate severe toothache choose to avoid them altogether.

Put your mind at ease as we dispel five common myths about root canals




5. It’s very painful

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FALSE: Most individuals think that a root canal is a very painful treatment. But with the advancement of dentistry and dental technologies, root canal procedures have considerably changed.

The procedure is not the problem, because what hurts is nothing but your expectations.

Decades ago that may have been the case, but with modern technology and anesthetics you won’t experience any more pain than if you went to have a cavity filled. The pain from a severe toothache, often caused by damaged tissues in the tooth, can be easily remedied when an endodontist removes the damaged tissue through root canal treatment. In addition, endodontists are experts in pain management, and most cases can be treated quickly and comfortably.




4. A root canal removes the pain immediately after the procedure

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FALSE: After a root canal, the patient will feel significant improvement. However, it is normal for the tooth to be sensitive the first few days after treatment and the use of pain killers can help. Mild pain can be followed, especially while chewing, and it can last a few weeks. The pain should disappear completely however after that time.

Is it possible not to feel any pain at all after a root canal procedure? Yes it’s possible, and this depends on how complicated was the treatment and on whether or not the tooth was infected before treatment.




3. Root Canal Treatment is not effective

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FALSE: When patients come in for a root canal, they are usually in a lot of discomfort due to the infection in their tooth. Once the freezing is in place, the patient will feel immediate relief from the pain, and should return to normal once the treatment is done. If left untreated, an infected tooth root will cause far more discomfort than a root canal ever will.

A root canal cleans and disinfects the inside of the tooth to allow it to heal; it does not kill a tooth. The nerves and the blood vessels located in the pulp chamber server for the development of a tooth when a person is a child or a teenager.

Later in life, the nerve’s function is to cause pain when something is wrong with the tooth, whether it’s decay, infection, inflammation or trauma. Pain is therefore a defence mechanism that alarms a person to seek help.



2. Root canal treatment is a lengthy process that requires several appointments

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FALSE: Today, root canal treatment may take between one and two hours if there are no complications. The number of appointments often depends on the condition of the tooth and the number of canals it has.

In cases where infection is severe, your dentist or endodontist may place a drug inside to help disinfect the interior of the roots, and then finish the root canal treatment a few days later. But if there is no infection or no complications, the procedure can be completed in one single appointment.



1. A root canal is a costly treatment

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FALSE: In the US the cost for a root canal on a front tooth costs around $500. A molar, however, costs around $900. A build-up and dental crown would not be included in the fee and this ranges from $1,000 – $1,500. The total cost of root canal treatment in the US could cost as much as $2,500.

In Tijuana, treatment costs start from $225 without a crown, and around $525 complete with crown.


There’s no excuse to bring back a healthy smile with in safe hands with our quality-checked dentist and affordable prices in Tijuana





The post 5 myths about root canals in Tijuana – New Age Dental Clinic appeared first on New Age Dental.


Saturday 16 September 2017

11 Hilarious Post-Dental Anesthesia Videos | Dentist in Tijuana


Ah, wisdom teeth surgery… A lot of people have to go through with it, right? It seems to be pretty common.
Wisdom teeth are a pain in the neck for anybody who has ever had to get them removed.

However, what we tend to forget is that with all the gas intake people take in to put them to sleep and dumb down the pain, people can have some very weird reactions after the operation. Fortunately for us, friends and family tend to record these reactions…



1. The girl who thought she was Hannah Montana


What happens when you wake up after wisdom teeth surgery? You might end up believing you’re Hannah Montana and that Miley girl is just stealing your identity. After singing a hilarious rendition of “Party in the U.S.A.” our Miley-wannabe says she “can’t catch a break.” However, it’s you who won’t be able to catch break from giggling so hard.



2. Zombies, wisdom teeth, and a hilarious little sister


It’s no secret that older siblings love to pick on younger ones. But these guys took things to a whole new level by convincing their little sis she was living through a zombie apocalypse (while on wisdom teeth meds, of course).

The best part is when they ask her to make life-changing decisions, such as saving the family cat versus saving the family dog.
Her priceless answer: “The cat, you idiot! [The dog’s] the worst, he’s already dying.”


3. Alex Goes To The Dentist


When he isn’t pontificating about the malevolent nature of dolphins or declaring his love for yogurt, Alex seems to think he’s at a karaoke bar, singing several songs and even delivering a spot-on freestyle rap at the end of the video.
“Do you poo yogurt, or do you pee yogurt?”


4. Unicorn After Wisdom Teeth


This video is one of the most famous post-anesthesia videos out there, featuring a very funny girl who feels like, “a unicorn just took me on a ride to a magical palace, to the land of the blueberries.”



5. I’m a Nascar driver


This girl woke up thinking that she is sore because she crashed her NASCAR car during a race.  Because she’s a NASCAR driver of course.



6. Wisdom teeth Surgery Aftermath!


Perhaps the best depiction of how anesthesia affects people is in this 16-minute video of unintentionally hilarious moments.
This teenage boy is calm, cool and collected before the surgery and comes out singing songs about Jesus. It only gets better after that…



7. Twin Sisters wisdom teeth


They say two is better than one — in this case we have to agree. These twin sisters are clearly on different levels and the result is hilarious.



8. Ellen lookalike

Maddi was obsessed with a random woman who vaguely resembled Ellen DeGeneres. She plows through topics from nose piercings to Ellen Degeneres to mermaids to The Godfather to Beyonce to Twilight.

Naturally, she got on The Ellen Show. Between wanting a nose piercing because her face is numb and claiming she’s the president, she earned her spot on Ellen’s comfy armchair.



9. Kelly’s wisdom teeth aftermath

Kelly seems to have developed some sort of foreign, sing-songy accent from her oral surgery, as she spews a nonstop, stream of conscious monologue that only dogs can hear.



10. What’s In My Mouth?


This poor young lady awakens in the car with no memory of what happened to her and begins an Abbott and Costello-like exchange with her mother about the gauze in her mouth.



11. David after dentist


The one that seemingly started the trend en masse. David DeVore Jr. was seven years old when he went to the dentist to get an extra tooth (a condition called hyperdontia) removed.  The aftermath was a classic episode of existentialist thought punctuated by the occasional ‘roid rage.

Unlike many of the similar videos that have been posted on YouTube since then, his father’s motivation for filming the aftermath was completely innocent: David’s mother had wanted to accompany him but couldn’t because of a work obligation.


Videos like these take the seriousness away from the procedure and shed light on the fact that dental visits are indeed not as bad as they seem

You can visit us in our dental clinic located in Tijuana, Mexico, a few minutes south from the San Ysidro Border. We are your preferred dentist in Tijuana, we offer free transportation from the border and back.

The post 11 Hilarious Post-Dental Anesthesia Videos | Dentist in Tijuana appeared first on New Age Dental.


Friday 1 September 2017

7 Funny Dentist Scenes in Movies and TV Shows



Dentists are generally portrayed in a negative light in pop culture. These negative stereotypes are often complete falsehoods about dentists and about dentistry in general. Even though they are false portrayals of dentists, they are often hilariously funny.

The best humor can often be found in the most ordinary places, and the dentist’s office is no exception! Don’t believe us? Check out the hilarious dental-related scenes from film and television listed below, but don’t forget: laughter might be the best medicine, but it’s no substitute for flossing.




Lights, Camera, Crowns!





7. The Simpsons – Lisa’s dentist explains to her that she will need braces

The Simpsons has so many funny episodes. This time Lisa makes a trip to the dentist. The dentist recommends that Lisa get braces for her teeth. The dentist shows a depiction of what will happen if she does not get braces in order to scare her into getting them. Bart cracks his typical jokes whenever there is an opportunity.




6. Dental scene from Finding Nemo

This funny scene from Finding Nemo shows Nemo and his newly found dental office aquarium fish friends watching a root canal being performed. The experienced fish discuss the different methods that the dentist is using and his overall technique as if they themselves were actual dental experts.






5. Mr. Bean gets into trouble at the dentist

Mr. Bean gets into trouble at the dentist like no one else could. He is fascinated by all of the tools and utensils at the dental office. He just can’t help himself and starts to play with the tools when the dentist isn’t looking. Very funny, although the dentist probably didn’t think so!






4. Friends – Ross over whitens his own teeth and tries to hide it from his date

This episode is priceless. Ross decides to whiten his own teeth for an upcoming date and leaves the whitener on for an extra 24 hours to make them really shine. The result is a smile that is oh so obvious. Ross spends the rest of the episode trying to hide his overly white teeth from his date. This one is a must watch.





3. Seinfeld – Kramer goes to the dentist and gets numbed up a little too much

Kramer goes to the dentist and gets his mouth numbed for the procedure. His mouth continues to stay numb and starts to cause all sorts of hilarious problems and situations. He ends up being the guest of honor and sang to by Mel Tormé at a meeting for Able Mentally Challenged Adults (AMCA).






2. The Little Shop of Horrors – I’m a dentist!

If the dentist in Seinfeld is improbable, the one from cult film favorite Little Shop of Horrors is impossible—a cartoon villain with a comical penchant for inflicting pain. Still, Steve Martin’s dentist from hell has a flair for song and a sweet motorcycle—and two redeeming qualities are better than none, right?







The 2005 film adaptation of the classic Roald Dahl fable is more faithful to the novel than the 1971 original. In this clip exploring Willy Wonka’s relationship with his dentist father, we get a glimpse into the origins of the candymaker. Dentists may cheer at Daddy Wonka’s tactics, but can you blame little Willy for wanting a candy factory after this?





As these videos illustrate, some things are just better left to properly trained dental professionals!
But sometimes, choosing the right dentist can be a worrying task. Maybe it is because we are afraid to go to the dentist, or maybe because people just don’t know how to find the right dentist for themselves.

Improve your smile with quality dental treatment from the best dentist in Tijuana








The post 7 Funny Dentist Scenes in Movies and TV Shows appeared first on New Age Dental.


6 Amazing Tips to Help Kids Overcome Fear of Dentists


Dental phobia or odontophobia is estimated to plague as many as 35 million Americans, according to the 2012 book The Fearless Smile: Overcoming Dental Phobia. The anxiety generated from booking an appointment and visiting a dentist can be so extreme that in some cases patients have gone decades without seeking out basic dental care.


Regular visits to your dentist in Tijuana will keep your kids’ teeth pearly white, but it’s common for them to resist. Kids might see the dentist office as a scary place, with bright lights shining in their eyes and tools that make loud noises.

You don’t want your child to be afraid of the dentist, so you’ll have to do a bit of work in making sure that there are positive associations with the idea.





6. Introduce your child to our practice outside of any procedure

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One of our central goals is to help children have a more positive view of going to the dentist.  We feel that preventing and alleviating the fear associated with dental visits is important in encouraging future overall oral health.

The first visit to your pediatric dentist should be relaxed and non-formal.  Starting early usually ensures that this visit can be more of a “meet and greet” and won’t involve any major procedures.





5. Avoid Scary Words

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Try not to make a big deal about going to the dentist. If your child does ask, talk mainly about “cleaning your teeth” and don’t use words like “hurt”, “scary” or “shot”. A routine cleaning shouldn’t hurt and there’s no reason that your child needs to associate going to the dentist with pain.

A pediatric dentist is comfortable working with children and won’t make your child feel bad for feeling afraid. They might also have cute names for the equipment or things like sunglasses to block the bright light. A pediatric dentist will work hard to put your child at ease.





4. Understand your own fear

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Recent studies have shown that a parent’s own fears of the dentist are transferred to your child.  Evaluate how much of your fears are substantiated.  Consider which conversations about your own dental care are appropriate for your child to hear.

Kids aren’t the only people who are afraid of the dentist. Many adults avoid going as well, waiting until a dental problem becomes painful before trying to take care of it. If you’re anxious about going to the dentist, your child will pick up on this energy. Watch your words when it comes to talking about your experiences with your kids. Saying things like “I hate the dentist” or “The last trip really hurt” are going to influence your child’s attitude. If you struggle with going to the dentist, work on yourself as well. Try to create more positive experiences.





3. Prepare for the dentist

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Make going to the dentist a truly fun event.   You can build excitement for the experience and plan a fun day that centers around the visit. Above all else, it’s important to stay positive.  Your child will sense your mood and will respond to it.




2. Avoid Bribery

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Many experts do not recommend promising your child a special treat if she behaves well at the dentist. Doing so will only increase their apprehension. Saying, “If you don’t fuss or cry, you’ll get a lollipop,” might make your little one think, “What’s so bad about the dentist that I might want to cry?” Promising a sugary treat also sends the wrong message after a dentist emphasizes having clean, healthy teeth by avoiding sweets that can cause cavities. Instead, after the visit is over, praise your child for her good behavior and bravery. Every once in awhile, surprise her with a sticker or a small toy as an encouragement.





1. Emphasize the Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

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Teach your child that visiting the dentist is a necessity, not a choice, and that the dentist will take care of his teeth so that they are strong enough for him to eat. You might also explain that the dentist helps keep cavities at bay and ensures that his patients will have a beautiful smile for years to come.



In NewAgeDental we care of that little big smiles!

CALL US TODAY!  (760) 298 3039

The post 6 Amazing Tips to Help Kids Overcome Fear of Dentists appeared first on New Age Dental.


Saturday 24 June 2017

9 Useful Tips to Dental Tourists in Tijuana



Tijuana has a broad offer of activities to enjoy: from beaches, cultural centers, theaters and cinemas to the world’s busiest border crossing. But one of the best things to do in Tijuana is: Getting affordable dental care.

Tijuana is the most accessible destination for dental tourism because of its proximity to San Diego and Los Angeles, California. This makes it is an easy choice. It is easy to take a trip to Tijuana for dental work.

Typically any work you get done in Tijuana will cost ~1/3 of US prices and this is true of most Mexican border towns.

These tips will help you have the most fun in Tijuana with the least trouble. In other places, these tips may seem more like the things your mother tells you that you mostly ignore – but for Tijuana, there are a few things you need to know – so listen up and pay attention.


Here are some practical tips about getting to Tijuana


1.There are three ways to get down there

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1) Drive your car

2) Take the trolley: walk across the border and take a taxi to the dentist’s office.

3) UberENGLISH: The app-based ride service operates in Tijuana – but beware that you might have to pay international data roaming fees to use it.




  1. Move the icon in the Uber app to uberX .
  2. Choose the option uberENGLISH and request your trip .
  3. Make your travel experience more comfortable with an Uber driver speaking your preferred language.




2. Bring documentation

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  • U. S. citizens can visit Mexico for 72 hours or less without visas, but they need proof of citizenship when they return, A passport or governmentStarting January 31, 2008, U.S. and Canadian citizens must present either a passport or a government-issued photo ID plus proof of citizenship-issued photo ID and birth certificate are most common. If you don’t have a passport, can help you get or renew your passport without having to run around or stand in line around to get it done.
  • Permanent Residents should bring their green cards and passports.
  • Citizens of other countries need valid passports and a valid I-94, multi-entry visa or visa waiver. Visit the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative website for more details.


3.Take Cash

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You’ll get better prices in the shops. U. S. dollars are fine. Traveler’s checks are not widely accepted in Tijuana. Use ATMs only for emergencies; they’ll give pesos that you’ll have to figure out what to do with if you don’t spend them all – and may incur foreign transaction fees.



I’m taking you to the happiest place on earth: Tijuana!

– The Simpsons




4. New Age Dental bring you to Tijuana & take you to the pedwest border

In NewAgeDental our compromise goes beyond! Either we pick you up in San Diego and cross the border with you or we pick you up once you are in Tijuana. For your commodity, after using our services we are pleased to take you back to the pedwest crossing.



5. Time your trip

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It can take more than three hours to get back into the U. S. from Tijuana on Saturday evening. Leave by mid-afternoon, or go on a less-busy day.



6. Things You Can Do On Your Own

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Dine Fine. Foodies are flocking to Tijuana these days to try “Baja Med” cuisine, which combines traditional Mexican recipes with ingredients like olive oil, abalone, and arugula that flourish in the coastal, Mediterranean-like climate. Hot chefs of early 2015 include Javier Plascencia of Mision 19 (who you may have seen on ABC TV’s The Taste) and Miguel Angel Guerrero of La Querencia.

Catch Some Culture:Centro Cultural Tijuana (Tijuana Cultural Center) is a fine museum that chronicles Baja peninsula history from ancient cave paintings to modern times. Exhibits are explained in English. In Zona Rio at Paseo de Los Heroes and Mina.

PRAD: Short for Pasaje Rodriguez Arte y Diseño (Rodríguez Passage Art and Design), it’s a narrow alleyway between Avenida Revolucion and Avenida Constitucion, with its entrance between Third and Fourth streets. Once filled with shops selling tourist souvenirs, it’s now occupied by more than 20 small artists’ spaces.


7. Language is not a problem

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Yes, we speak English, and we will take of any needs you have to make you more comfortable during your stay.
In Tijuana you will find perfection, experience and friendly team of staff.

In fact, most of the people in Tijuana speak English and if any service provider wouldn’t, someone around you could lend you a hand and translate.



8. Credit Cards

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Most of the establishments accept national and international credit cards such as Master Card, Visa, and American Express, as well as traveler’s checks. Personal checks are not accepted in most places.


9. Don’t be afraid of getting dental care in Tijuana


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Many people fear visiting dentist because they have this myth that it is a painful procedure more than anything else to fix a tooth problem. Some rather suffer in silence or put up with it which will eventually cause more harm. Our skilled dentist in Tijuana are highly trained, and go out of there way to make treatments as painless as possible for our patients.


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With so many dental labs and clinics in downtown Tijuana it only takes 1-2 days to get your dentures, bridges and crowns done.

You get the same high-quality prosthesis and dental services without paying more than your monthly salary. Best of all, you can be assured that all dental materials and procedures are at par with US dental standards.

Beside dental quality of work they have, you can have a nic vacation while visit Mexico.




If you want more details about dental implant cost or where found
the best dental clinic in the city of Tijuana, you can call free: (760) 298 3039


The post 9 Useful Tips to Dental Tourists in Tijuana appeared first on New Age Dental.


Tuesday 13 June 2017

Cost & Benefits: Dental Implants in Tijuana Mexico


Always remember that you’ve got lots of choices when it comes to dental care – you just know where to look.

In this case, you’re better off looking in Tijuana, Mexico, where the dental procedures are top notch but marked at reasonable prices by professionals that you can trust. This will be your ultimate alternative to the exorbitant dental services in most of the states in the US, where the prices just keep going up even when they shouldn’t because your dental health is important.

Dental implants certainly offer the best alternative for tooth replacement. This is because the implants act like a natural tooth root in that they stimulate the bone, and prevent bone loss.

Unlike removable dentures, implants stay in place and that brings many advantages over removable dentures, here are some of them…


Improve appearance: Dental implants have the look and feel of your own teeth, being almost identical to your original teeth.

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Improve speech: Dental implants will stay strong and in-place, leaving no worries of accidental denture slip and giving you the confidence to speech fluently

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Better comfort: Unlike removable dentures, implants stay in your mouth and become part of you, reducing discomfort

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Easier eating: Dental implants function like your regular teeth and it’s easier to chew and eat with them, and, like many other cosmetic dentistry related procedures, it can help improve your self-esteem and confidence by giving you a healthy and good looking smile through the application of implants

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This modern technology is now available with dentists in Mexico!


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In the USA, dental implants are very expensive, and will average nearly $4000 per tooth replacement.
However, with this technology available in Mexico, and with the Mexican dentists receiving superior training in dental implant surgery, the prices for dental implants in Mexico are much more affordable.

The approximate cost of a dental implant, with abutment and crown is only $1300 in Mexico. That is just 1/3 the price for the same treatment with a US dentist.


What are the disadvantages of dental Implants?

The biggest disadvantage of dental implants treatment is the time needed to finish treatment. This is the best treatment, but you will have to have patience, and be willing to come to Tijuana for two or three trips to get the treatment finished. If time is an issue, the alternative is fixed bridges, or partial dentures.

Are dental implants for everyone?

Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate. If you have too much bone loss, grafting may not be feasible. also, there can be health issues that would hinder the healing process needed for implants, such as un-controlled diabetes. Also, if you are a heavy smoker, nicotine can cause your implants to fail during the healing process, and therefore you will have to first get your smoking habit under control, cutting way back to just a few cigarettes a day. The doctor will advise you when you come in for evaluation


Why we don’t do “Teeth in a day” implants.

There are a lot of advertisements for “teeth in a day”, also known as immediate load implants. With this type of implants, the implant is placed, and the same day the abutment is put on, and impressions made for the new crowns. To the patient who has little patience, and wants his new teeth NOW, this sounds great. However, our doctors will not do this type of implant. The reason is, these immediate load implants will end up failing in a few years, and the doctors cannot give them a lifetime guarantee. The way implants work, the bone needs time to bond to the titanium. When pressure repeatedly put on the implant, like it is when it is activated, the bone cannot bond. Also, with the immediate load implants, the thread is very coarse and aggressive, like the threads of a “lag bolt”, compared to a fine thread. When you chew on that type of implant, because of because the thread is coarser, it results tiny micro-fractures in the bone. Because of so many micro-fractures, the bone cannot regenerate fast enough, and bone loss results. After 5 to 8 years, they implants will get loose and fall out. But, with the type of implants we use, delayed load implants, the dentist can give a lifetime guarantee. The only drawback, is it requires 3 to 4 months of healing time before implant can be activated, which will require a second trip to Tijuana.


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What are some of the options for dental implant treatments?

Bridges: Dental bridges are fixed dental restoration that are used to replace several or a simple tooth by applying a permanent artificial tooth to adjacent teeth or other dental implants. Bridges are made of two or more crowns for the teeth.

Dental Bridges


They exist three main types of bridges

1) Traditional: These are the most common ones, they are made of porcelain or ceramics, this bridges are composed of a crown for the tooth on either side of the missing tooth.

2) Cantilever: This type of bridges are only used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing teeth.

3) Maryland Bonded: These can be either made of porcelain, ceramic or a plastic. The advantages that dental bridges bring to your teeth are: restore your smile and the ability to properly chew and speak, maintain the proper shape of your face and distribute the forces of your bite correctly. They can also help to prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position.



In New Age Tijuana Dental Clinic we have all specialties of dentistry providing adequate and comprehensive solution to all family members.

If you would like a specialist opinion, call free US: (760) 298 3039




The post Cost & Benefits: Dental Implants in Tijuana Mexico appeared first on New Age Dental.


Monday 5 June 2017

Because of the high cost of Dentist Americans Are Going to Tijuana for Dental Care



Even with insurance, procedures like implants and crowns can cost thousands, and plans don’t always cover the most modern coatings and materials.

– Olga Khazan (The Atlantic)



About 60% of American have dental insurance coverage, the largest proportion in decades, but even so, older adults have lagged behind behind and almost 70% are uninsured, according to a study compiled by Oral Health

Those who hace insured under the Affordable Care Act only have acces to dental care only if they purchase comprehensive coverage insurance, which many older people don’t need.

At the same time, these people often require more expensive dental jobs, such as crowns, implants and false teeth.

As a result, many sek more accesible care in places like Tijuana,where Mexican dentists speak English and accept American insurance. Their prices are much lower in all trearments, from cleaning to implants.


For Paul, going to the dentist in TIjuana means savings in excess of $62,000. He was told that the extensive dental work required – needed a crown on each molar – would cost $65,000 with a private dentist. He looked for better prices and in a dental school in the United States where the students do the clinical procedures they charged to him $35,000

In Mexico he paid $3,000 and has returned several times


The cost of dental care in the United States has increased over the past two decades and continues to grow at an annual rate of 5%. Many dental insurance have high deductibles and do not offer extensive coverage, so many people abandon them.

Mexico offers lower affordable prices because salaries are lower and there are fewer regulatory requirements. Residents of US border cities such as Tijuana, Texas and Nogalez, Arizona, often make a short trip to the Mexican side to meet their basic medical needs and medicines that are much cheaper than in the United States.

It is not new that Americans leave the country to seek health care cheaper. They have been doing this for years for surgeries that can save lives or aesthetic procedures.


Manuel Zurita has worked as a dentist for a decade in Tijuana and realized that the business is so good that he opened his ownDental office two years ago



The most difficult thing to maintain dental health is the cost of dental treatment!

 Anyone who lives in San Diego, Los Angeles, or any city in the USA, is surely discouraged when he realizes the prices of local dentists. A consultation will cost you thousands of dollars. But I ask you, why are you going to an American Doctor, when Tijuana is so close, and the dental prices in Tijuana are so cheap?


Take advantage of cheap dental care prices in Mexico. Quality, care and amazing locations Mexico offers is reason more to combine travel with health care. Here is a full price list for dental services in Mexico. Cut your costs and enjoy the travel!


Price list at Tijuana Dentist Center



Why Tijuana for Dental Care?


Close proximity to the US

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Quality care at affordable price

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No mandatory malpractice insurance

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The post Because of the high cost of Dentist Americans Are Going to Tijuana for Dental Care appeared first on New Age Dental.
