Monday 24 April 2017

The ABCs of Foods To Eat After You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed


About 90% of people have at least one of their third molars, commonly called the wisdom tooth, removed at some point in their life. Many people have all four taken out to prevent future dental problems.

It can be hard to find satisfying foods to eat after wisdom tooth removal or other oral surgery. The food must be soft and easy to eat, but since healing can take a few days it is also important that we not tire of our menu options.

If you undergo this relatively minor procedure, knowing what to eat post-surgery can lead to a much smoother recovery. Try a few of these nutritious and tasty treats to help ease your recovery after a wisdom tooth extraction.


A is for Applesauce

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Homemade applesauce:

– 8 medium red apples
– 1 cup of water
– 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

  1. Peel & core the apples. Cut the apples into bite sized chunks.
  2. Place apples, water, sugar, and cinnamon in crock pot.
  3. Cover with lid and cook on high. Continually check on apples in crock pot and mash with a potato masher.
  4. Add more sugar if desired. Continue mashing apples until you get your desired consistency.
  5. Cook on high for about 2-3 hours and then set temperature to low for another 2-3 hours.
  6. Serve in a bowl.


B is for Bananas and Baby Food

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Mashed well with yoghurt or milk.
Baby Food
A perfect pre-made puree!


C is for Cheese

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Soft or melted.
You can enjoy yourself during recovery!
Cottage Cheese
Plain or mixed with soft veggies.


D is for Dips

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Tzatziki, lebneh, French onion, hummus, and guacamole.


E is for Eggs

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Scrambled or poached.


F is for Fish

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Tuna or lox.


J is for Jelly

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M is for Mashed potato

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Macaroni & Cheese
Well-cooked and soft.
Mashed Potato
Well-blended with no lumps.
Meatloaf or Meatballs
Mashed a little.


N is for Noodles

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Small, flat pasta that doesn’t require much chewing or slurping.
Nut Butters
Peanut, almond, or cashew. Well-ground.


O is for Oatmeal

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Mixed with honey, syrup, or mashed banana.


P is for pudding

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R is for Ramen

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With well-cooked veggies or meat.


M is for Mushy peas

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R is for Rice (cooked very soft)

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S is for Soup

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Sloppy Joe Meat
Skip the bun.
The less chewy, the better.
Mix some fresh fruit, milk, yoghurt, or ice cream in a blender.
Soaked Bread/Cookies
Soak cookies in milk or a hot drink and bread in soup.
Creamed or mashed. Raises iron levels for faster healing.
Vegetable stew cooked for a long time.
Sweet Breads
Doughnuts, muffins, or cupcakes


T is for Tofu

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V is for Vegetables (Cooked soft and mashed)

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Now you can survive not only with soup and yogurth!










The post The ABCs of Foods To Eat After You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed appeared first on New Age Dental.


12 Hilarious Post-Dental Anesthesia Videos

Ah, wisdom teeth surgery… A lot of people have to go through with it, right? It seems to be pretty common.
Wisdom teeth are a pain in the neck for anybody who has ever had to get them removed.

However, what we tend to forget is that with all the gas intake people take in to put them to sleep and dumb down the pain, people can have some very weird reactions after the operation. Fortunately for us, friends and family tend to record these reactions…



1. The girl who thought she was Hannah Montana


What happens when you wake up after wisdom teeth surgery? You might end up believing you’re Hannah Montana and that Miley girl is just stealing your identity. After singing a hilarious rendition of “Party in the U.S.A.” our Miley-wannabe says she “can’t catch a break.” However, it’s you who won’t be able to catch break from giggling so hard.


2. Zombies, wisdom teeth, and a hilarious little sister


It’s no secret that older siblings love to pick on younger ones. But these guys took things to a whole new level by convincing their little sis she was living through a zombie apocalypse (while on wisdom teeth meds, of course).

The best part is when they ask her to make life-changing decisions, such as saving the family cat versus saving the family dog.
Her priceless answer: “The cat, you idiot! [The dog’s] the worst, he’s already dying.”


3. Alex Goes To The Dentist


When he isn’t pontificating about the malevolent nature of dolphins or declaring his love for yogurt, Alex seems to think he’s at a karaoke bar, singing several songs and even delivering a spot-on freestyle rap at the end of the video.
“Do you poo yogurt, or do you pee yogurt?”


4. Unicorn After Wisdom Teeth


This video is one of the most famous post-anesthesia videos out there, featuring a very funny girl who feels like, “a unicorn just took me on a ride to a magical palace, to the land of the blueberries.”



5. I’m a Nascar driver


This girl woke up thinking that she is sore because she crashed her NASCAR car during a race.  Because she’s a NASCAR driver of course.


6. Wisdom teeth Surgery Aftermath!


Perhaps the best depiction of how anesthesia affects people is in this 16-minute video of unintentionally hilarious moments.
This teenage boy is calm, cool and collected before the surgery and comes out singing songs about Jesus. It only gets better after that…


7. Thumbs up for my singing skills!


YouTuber Nash Greer recorded the car ride home after having his wisdom teeth removed, and he’s funny even when doped up out of his mind!


8. Twin Sisters wisdom teeth


They say two is better than one — in this case we have to agree. These twin sisters are clearly on different levels and the result is hilarious.


9. Ellen lookalike

Maddi was obsessed with a random woman who vaguely resembled Ellen DeGeneres. She plows through topics from nose piercings to Ellen Degeneres to mermaids to The Godfather to Beyonce to Twilight.

Naturally, she got on The Ellen Show. Between wanting a nose piercing because her face is numb and claiming she’s the president, she earned her spot on Ellen’s comfy armchair.


10. Kelly’s wisdom teeth aftermath

Kelly seems to have developed some sort of foreign, sing-songy accent from her oral surgery, as she spews a nonstop, stream of conscious monologue that only dogs can hear.


11. What’s In My Mouth?


This poor young lady awakens in the car with no memory of what happened to her and begins an Abbott and Costello-like exchange with her mother about the gauze in her mouth.


12. David after dentist


The one that seemingly started the trend en masse. David DeVore Jr. was seven years old when he went to the dentist to get an extra tooth (a condition called hyperdontia) removed.  The aftermath was a classic episode of existentialist thought punctuated by the occasional ‘roid rage.

Unlike many of the similar videos that have been posted on YouTube since then, his father’s motivation for filming the aftermath was completely innocent: David’s mother had wanted to accompany him but couldn’t because of a work obligation.



Videos like these take the seriousness away from the procedure and shed light on the fact that dental visits are indeed not as bad as they seem


You can visit us in our dental clinic located in Tijuana, Mexico, a few minutes south from the San Ysidro Border. We are your preferred dentist in Tijuana, we offer free transportation from the border and back.


The post 12 Hilarious Post-Dental Anesthesia Videos appeared first on New Age Dental.


Saturday 22 April 2017

17 fun tooth facts for a Healthy Mouth

We all know our teeth are important for eating, talking, and smiling, but most often we overlook how cool teeth can be.

Read these ten fun facts to learn how special your teeth are!


1. Did you know that the average person produces a quart of saliva daily?

That’s 10,000 gallons of spit over a lifetime. Saliva is essential to good dental health because it washes food off the teeth, neutralizes acids in mouth, fights germs and prevent bad breath.

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2. Welcome to Mouthville!

On a daily basis, your mouth is home to over 100,000,000 micro-creautres who are swimming, feeding, reproducing and depositing waste in your mouth. Makes you want to brush your teet, doesn’t it?

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3. Out teeth are meant to last a lifetime

And our tooth enamel is the hardest oart of your body – even harder than our bones!
In order to keep our teeth for a lifetime, we need to take care of them by brushing, flossing and seeing the dentist.

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4. The power of a smile

Did you know that 50% of people say that a smile is first thing they notice about someone?
Brush twice a day and floss daily so the smile people are noticing is shiny and white!

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5. Shine bright like a diamond

We think a shiny, white smile is attractive, but did you know in medieval Japan white teeth were considered ugly?
Women used roots and inks to stain their teeth black, which they left was much more attractive.

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6. D is for Dolphin!

We need to keep our teetj healthy because we use our teeth to bite and chew, but did you know dolphins only use their teeth to grasp? Dolphins can’t chew, because dolphin’s jaws have no muscles.

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7. Dental Floss

Dental floss was first manufactured in 1882. If you loss once a day, you will use about 5 miles of floss once a day, you will use about 5 miles of floss over your lifetime!

Dental floss isn’t just for teeth-a prison inmate in West Virginia braided floss into a rope, scaled the prison wall and escaped. Wow!

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8. Brush your teeth twice a day

If you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, you will brush your teeth for abour 24 hours each year, or 75 days over the course of your life! All this brushing will use about 20 gallons of toothpaste.

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9. Don’t forget your tongue!

When we brush or teeth, we should also remember to brush our tongue. Did you know that just like our fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different?

Our tongue is the only muscle in our body that isnt’t attached to something at both ends.

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10. Issac New-tooth

In 1816, Sir Isaac Newton’s toot was sold in London for today’s equivalent of $35,700.
Don’t expect that mucho money from the tooth fairy-in America, she brings an average of $3 per tooth.

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11. Dentist have been around a long time

Archeologists have evidence of the first dental fillings in teeth from people who lived between 7,500 and 9,000 years ago.

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12. In China, they celebrate national “Love Your Teeth Day”

In China, they celebrate national Love Your Teeth Day day each year on the 20th of September. To promote dental health, a Chinese dentist used 28,000 teeth to build a giant tooth-shaped tower.

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13. Tootache in the middle ages

If you had a tootache in Germany, in the Middle Ages, you would have been told to kiss a donkey to cure your tootache!

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14. In 1498, in China, the bristle tootbrush was invented

The brristles were made of the stiff from the back of a pig’s nech. Pig’s hair was used in tootbrushes until 1938, when nylon bristles were introduced. Your tootbrush has about 2,500 nylon bristles grouped in forty tufts.

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15. Most Americans did not brush their teeth every day until after World War II

In WWII, the military required that soldiers brush their teeth twice a day to keep their teeth healthy.
The soldiers brought that habit home after the war.
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16. The world’s oldest recipe for toothpaste is from Egypt in 400 AD

The formula included mint, salt, grains of pepper and dried iris flower. A modern day dentist made the toothpaste
and said, “I found that it was not unpleasant, afterwards my mouth felt fresh and clean.”
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17. Toothpaste was used as long ago as 500 BC in China and India.

Toothpaste was used as long ago as 500 BC in China and India. Ancient toothpastes included ingredients such as soot, honey, crushed egg shells, and ground ox’s hooves.
In 1873, Colgate released the first commercially prepared toothpaste, which had the minty taste we know today.

The post 17 fun tooth facts for a Healthy Mouth appeared first on New Age Dental.


9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Tongue


Your mouth wouldn’t be complete with your tongue.

Tongues help us experience the taste of the world and express our experiences to the world by helping us speak.
We all know how to use our tongues, but not all of us know everything about them.

Can you imagine living without one? That would be unspeakable!


Here are some facts you didn’t know about your Tongue


1. Tongues need cleaning

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Your tongue needs caring as much as your teeth and gums. After all, it’s part of your mouth, and therefore also gets filthy from all the food, drink and whatever things you put on it.
Because it is used constantly, your tongue, which is covered in papillae, the little bumps on its surface, traps germs and harbor a variety of bacteria species on it.

These nasty organisms on the tongue can cause bad breath and even affect you sense of taste.
Furthermore, overabundance of bacteria may discolor your tongue, turning it white, yellow, or black and hairy-looking. Yuck!

Make it a habit that you include your tongue each time you do your brushing and try to reach until the back. It may trigger a gag reflex, but it will ease up in due course.


2. Tongue piercings hurt your mouth

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Because the mouth is already loaded with germs and bacteria, the risk of tongue piercing or lip piercing infection is higher in this area than on any part of the body. Plus, the act of tongue-piercing itself is known to damage the nerves of your tongue causing an altered sense of taste or permanent drooling.

If you are still intent on having your tongue pierced, make certain that your dentist has informed you of ways on how to manage them to avoid any possible complications and that you let an experienced artist do it for you.


3. Your tongue is unique

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Similar to a finger imprint, your tongue is one of a kind.
No other tongue in the world has the same imprints as yours. How fascinating is that?


4. The Tongue Is Made of Eight Different Muscles

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No matter how much a person eats or talks throughout the day, the tongue doesn’t seem to hurt from exhaustion. The tongue also impresses us with its unmatched flexibility.


5. The Average Tongue Length is 10 cm

Longest tongue


The majority of us live with a tongue that is about 10 centimeters long from the inside all the way to the tip. A special few individuals have tongues with incredible lengths.

For instance, Guinness World Record for the longest tongue holder, Nick Stoeberl sticks his tongue outside of his mouth to a length of about 10.1 cm meaning that this part of his tongue is longer than the average whole tongue.


6. Tongue Color Can Be Very Informative

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Your tongue color can indicate serious health issues; unless the color goes back to enjoying colorful candy.
A good tongue would be pink. Infections and allergies can change a tongue’s color to red and make it swell. If the redness comes with sore throat and fever then you might need a check-up.

Some blood pressure and allergy medications may reduce saliva production and so cause the tongue to blister. Fungal infections like thrush result in white patches on the tongue and can be treated with antifungal medications.

If you don’t ingest enough nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron and folic acid, the tongue would indicate that by being too smooth.


7. Taste Buds Are Invisible to the Naked Eye

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See those small white and pink bumps on your tongue? Those are called papillae and they are not your taste buds but they are where the taste buds reside.


8. All Areas of the Tongue Can Taste Everything

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One of the most misleading illustrations about the tongue is the one dividing it into regions specified for different tastes. There is no place specific for tasting sour, sweet, bitter or salty tastes.

You can make a simple experiment by sprinkling some salt on tip of your tongue and find out that you can taste it although this spot is said to taste sweet tastes only.


9. Genetics Is Not the Only Tongue Twister

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The rolling or curling of the tongue is an ability that only some have. Science school books mention an individual’s ability to roll their tongue as an example of an inherited trait.
Genetic experts say that this ability is not only genetic as there is essentially an environmental factor contributing to this wonderful trick.

The evidence that support the existence of an environmental influence is based on a child’s ability to learn how to roll their tongue even if they couldn’t do it in the first place.

The post 9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Tongue appeared first on New Age Dental.


Friday 21 April 2017

How do you know if you need root canal treatment?


This is your guide to everything you should know before getting a root canal as well as what to expect during the procedure.

  • Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to replace a tooth’s damaged or infected pulp with a filling.
  • The vast majority of people who undergo root canal treatment can expect a functional tooth after the treatment.
  • The treated tooth should last as long as your other teeth, provided the tooth is kept clean and you maintain excellent oral hygiene.

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that replaces a tooth’s damaged or infected pulp with a filling. The pulp consists of specialised dental cells, blood vessels, tissue fibres and some nerve fibres located in the hollow space in the central part of the tooth. The procedure is also known as endodontic treatment.

Success rates for endodontic treatment are generally good. About 90 to 95 per cent of patients who undergo root canal treatment can expect a functional tooth after the treatment. The treated tooth should last a very long time, provided that you maintain good oral hygiene and generally look after your teeth. Of course, no therapy or replacement will last as well as a healthy tooth.


Tooth pulp damage or disease

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A diseased tooth pulp may cause inflammation or infection.
The symptoms of a damaged or diseased tooth pulp may include:

  • unprovoked or spontaneous pain
  • sensitivity to hot and cold drinks and foods
  • pain when biting or chewing
  • loosening of the tooth
  • swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
  • oozing of pus surrounding the affected tooth
  • facial swelling.

Sometimes, tooth pulp may become damaged or diseased without presenting any symptoms.
In these cases, the problem is usually diagnosed by special tests or x-rays during a dental check-up or treatment for other dental concerns.



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  • deep-seated and untreated dental decay
  • decay beneath a deep filling
  • trauma that damages a tooth
  • habitual tooth grinding (bruxism)
  • long-standing cracks in the teeth
  • advanced gum disease.

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The dentist will listen to your symptoms, examine your teeth and perform other special investigations.

You may need one or more visits to complete the endodontic treatment, depending on the complexity of the case.

Root canal treatment has four main aims:

  1. removing active decay and infection – any old or leaky fillings, tooth decay, infected nerve tissue, pus and debris are removed
  2. shaping the canals – in order to be filled well, the canals within the tooth root need to be shaped into smooth, hollow tunnels that are free of irregularities where residual bacteria may have been harboured. This shaping process involves small instruments, special disinfectants and medication. It may take a few weeks to months for these solutions to take maximum effect against stubborn bacteria within the tooth, and this step may have to be repeated several times.
  3. filling the canals – to prevent bacteria from re-infecting the empty canals in your tooth, they are permanently sealed with a long-lasting barrier material.
  4. making the tooth functional again – to make sure no bacteria from the oral environment can leak back into the tooth, a large, well-sealed restoration is put on the tooth (such as a crown). Teeth that require root canal treatment have sometimes lost considerable tooth structure due to previous decay or cracks, and may require further protection in the form of porcelain, gold alloy crowns or other similar materials.


After root canal treatment

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A normal tooth with a healthy pulp is yellowish-white in colour. A pulp-free tooth may eventually turn grey. The dentist can advise you on appropriate aesthetic (cosmetic dentistry) procedures.


All dentists can perform root canal treatments

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All dentists are trained to carry out root canal treatments. Some dentists will refer complicated and emergency cases to an endodontist. (Your dentist will discuss this with you.) Endodontists are dentists who are specialists in root canal treatment.

If you would like a specialist opinion, call free US: (760) 298 3039

In New Age Tijuana Dental Clinic we have all specialties of dentistry providing adequate and comprehensive solution to all family members.

The post How do you know if you need root canal treatment? appeared first on New Age Dental.


Thursday 20 April 2017

3 awesome Yelp reviews for Tijuana dentists


Yelp is an Americanmultinational corporation.

It develops, hosts and markets and the Yelp mobile app, which publish crowd-sourced reviews about local businesses, as well as the online reservation service Yelp Reservations and online food-delivery service Eat24.

*Yelp was founded in 2004 to help people find great local businesses like dentists, hair stylists and mechanics.

*Yelp had a monthly average of 24 million unique visitors who visited Yelp via the Yelp app and 65 million unique visitors who visited Yelp via mobile web in Q4 2016.

*Yelpers have written more than 121 million reviews by the end of Q4 2016


So… what do yelpers think about Dentists in Tijuana?


Read Stephen D.‘s review of Baja Oral Center on Yelp

Read Joanna C.‘s review of Dr. Ignacio de la Vega on Yelp

Read Julie A.‘s review of Trust Dental Care on Yelp


As we can see, after getting dental services in Tijuana people have a differente perception of the city.
All of this is a result of our first class services fully focused on our clients.

These are 3 awesome reviews because it demostrate that getting dental care in Tijuana is like a fun ritual and the best way to feel adventourous.

Don’t let exaggerations and rumors alarm you.

FACT: It will only take you 7 minutes from the border to have a perfect smile and we are convinced that our first class facilities will make you feel that you are in the right hands.

Actually, you will have a lot of fun visiting Tijuana.

The best of all… you will save more than 80%!


Stop Searching! We have what you are looking for!


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Are you looking for affordable and quality dental services in Tijuana?

This is a great opportunity to have a nice vacation and achieve the smile of your dreams.

A visit to Tijuana can be either a weekend trip or day trip from San Diego.  It’s always fun to be able to take a two-nation vacation


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New Age is your dental clinic in Tijuana, with more than 10 years of experience helping patients from San Diego, Los Angeles and Southern California. Get quality dental services today! WE OFFER FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM THE BORDER.


Call us today to schedule an appointment or send us an email






The post 3 awesome Yelp reviews for Tijuana dentists appeared first on New Age Dental.
